MSR Services Australia Response to COVID-19


We thank you for your ongoing support during a unique and transient time for all. The situation regarding COVID-19 is changing by the hour and we will endeavour to transmit any changes within our industry as they occur.

As you can appreciate, the unprecedented social response regarding the Coronavirus outbreak has caused various changes in industry habits, major delays in provision of traditional disinfectant products and ideal responses needed to effectively combat the pandemic. As a result, we have detailed a measured response for our customers. 

Cleaning Methods

We have switched to hospital grade disinfectants for all cleaning regimes including commercial cleaning in Sydney. This is to minimise the spread of bacteria and kill any potential cross contamination (MSDS available on request).

On sites using our Tersano Water system, it has been proven to be ideal to kill Coronavirus.

We are working with each customer and site to ensure we are providing increased cleaning services where required, particularly for higher risk sites such as health sites, education facilities, sports facilities and manual handling. 

Disinfectant Cleans Using Fogger Machines

Due to the influx of demand for disinfectant cleans, and the spread of resources to attend to all customer areas, including different venues, MSR Services Australia has invested in B&G 2600 Fogger machines (photo attached) which allows for a disinfectant clean at a more rapid pace, while covering a larger area. Due to the product landing on all horizontal and vertical surfaces, we are working with customers to make sure all utilities in bathrooms, offices and other major potential transmission zones are disinfected and personal items covered or removed where required.

Antibacterial Soap and Alcohol Gel

As above, antibacterial soap is in short supply and in all instances where customers are requesting a change over to this type of soap is being used as quickly as stock comes in. In the interim, the use of alcohol gel bottles and placement in bathrooms and other areas is of the utmost importance and as such requires to be maintained by MSR, while using the products above for the most effective cleans (Alcohol Gel MSDS available upon request).

Pumping hand sanitizer into hand.

Staff Precaution

We have supported and allowed team members who have decided to stand down due to their own personal circumstances and handling each case on an individual basis.    

In regard to internal changes, staff who have travelled overseas are not permitted to return to work until they obtain the appropriate health clearances, including the 14-day isolation period and clearances at a medical centre. 

If staff begin to show any signs of the symptoms of the COVID-19 illness, they will immediately be sent home and required to be cleared by a medical professional. This goes for all staff within the company.

As other materials above, we provided masks, hand sanitisers, hand-wash and other products as required to all staff to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

We are continuing to monitor and adapt to changes as new information regarding the Coronavirus comes through, including any requests from State and Federal governments and any impact regarding this our business and the application of our services to our customers will be communicated as soon as practical.

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About MSR Services

An employee pulls a trolley for cleaning offices. Woman cleaner is engaged in work. Shopping center place for text

At MSR Services, we keep your property clean all year round, so you can focus on your business. We also provide a range of other services like waste management and bathroom supplies to make your life easier.

See our services to find out more about what we do.

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